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We all have storms in our lives. Some of us can handle it better than others.  I’m learning to embrace every storm that comes my way! How do you handle the storms in your life?⬇️


It’s been a different few weeks here for me. I have taken time to just be me. I have had self pity 😫instead of being thankful for everything in my life.  

Will you choose to shine too? 

Growing Stronger


We have all had hardships in our life… what sets you apart is whether you stopped or you kept moving forward.

When life gets hard again.. are you going to stop or keep moving forward.

I want to grow stronger and keep moving forward!

I have both stopped and kept moving forward in my life.  I feel great when I keep moving forward.  What about you?

Positive Thoughts


How do you look at things?

The positive side? The negative side? Mixture of both?

I find myself a mixture of both! I’m working on getting it to all positive.

How do you want to look at things? Do you like the positive side but just don’t know how to be positive all the time?  I struggle with this. I want to be positive in every aspect but it doesn’t always work that way.

I have found reading personal development books have helped me. I am better than I was but still have a long way to go. I have read a book and a half… it is going to take more than that!  lol 🙂

I AM – Powerful



How do you use those words?

I am…beautifully and wonderfully made..

I am… difficult…

I am… easy going..

I am… pretty…

I am…. ugly…

I am… the best…

I am… the worst…

I am… too skinny..

I am… overweight..

There is so many things that can be used with “I AM”.

How do you choose to use those words?

Blessings not Complaints

This can be said about many things in life!

We have become a society that complains about everything!

Let’s start seeing the blessings we have and the difference we can make in our lives and the lives of others!

That one smile can change someone’s whole day!

This picture Ethan is telling me that “you got this!” This was towards the end of the workout and it gave me the extra that I needed to make it through. He didn’t have to say anything, but he did and he made my heart happy!

Let’s change the world one person at a time! Start by changing yourself with seeing the blessings in life and not complain about the hard times.


Day 9 of Insanity Max 30 – Tabata Power

July 19, 2016

Maxed out at 10 minutes and 37 seconds

Ethan joined me for some of the exercises. Afterwards he told me this is an “insane workout and can make you crazy! That’s why they call it insanity”. Haha!! I’m proud of him for trying.

Decided to get my workout in while chicken was cooking in the oven.

‪#‎insanitymax30‬ ‪#‎maxedout‬ ‪#‎Beachbody‬ ‪#‎fitmom‬ ‪#‎fitfam‬