Shine and Be You! 

We are always trying to be better! Some of us try to be like someone else. 

It’s awesome to look up to people but we should be true to us. 

We are uniquely and wonderfully made! 

Shine Bright and Be You! 

Toddler Workout! 

Evan Working out! Had such a blast with him! Check it out youtube video!  It felt great getting back at it! 

Build Each Other Up

Instead of tearing others down to make yourself feel better.. let’s build them up and see how MUCH better you will feel! 


It’s been a different few weeks here for me. I have taken time to just be me. I have had self pity 😫instead of being thankful for everything in my life.  

Will you choose to shine too? 

Trust and Believe 

Such a true quote! I had a friend tell me yesterday that I have to follow my dream and it can come true. 
I’ve have had a hard time seeing the future success I can have if I truly trust and believe. 

How many of you short change yourself on your dreams .. thinking I’m not good enough, I’ll never get there! 

We can! We just need to trust and believe!

Growing Stronger


We have all had hardships in our life… what sets you apart is whether you stopped or you kept moving forward.

When life gets hard again.. are you going to stop or keep moving forward.

I want to grow stronger and keep moving forward!

I have both stopped and kept moving forward in my life.  I feel great when I keep moving forward.  What about you?

Blessings not Complaints

This can be said about many things in life!

We have become a society that complains about everything!

Let’s start seeing the blessings we have and the difference we can make in our lives and the lives of others!

That one smile can change someone’s whole day!

This picture Ethan is telling me that “you got this!” This was towards the end of the workout and it gave me the extra that I needed to make it through. He didn’t have to say anything, but he did and he made my heart happy!

Let’s change the world one person at a time! Start by changing yourself with seeing the blessings in life and not complain about the hard times.


Believe in Yourself!!


Saw this yesterday and it spoke to me.

With starting the new program, I knew there would be pull ups and chin ups. I have never been able to do more than 2! Last night I did 17!!!! In the matter of 2 minutes (with burpees and jumps in those same 2 minutes)

It’s amazing what we can accomplish that we never thought possible!

We got the pull up bar a few weeks ago and I could only do 1!!

Just beyond excited!

God is Good!