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Build Each Other Up

Instead of tearing others down to make yourself feel better.. let’s build them up and see how MUCH better you will feel! 

Insanity Max 30 Transformation

Here is my transformation with Insanity Max 30!

This program was intense and fun! Lots of cardio and strength training.  I wanted to post about it each day, yet life got in the way. I am sad to be done with the program (for now), yet excited to start the next program!

I gained more muscle and toned. What you can’t tell us how much more solid my muscles are. They are on their way to being rocks! I took before and after measurements to see if I would have any change.  Well my butt got 2 inches bigger!! I really needed some padding in the lower region! I had lost my butt after pregnancy! My calf muscles grew half an inch. My arms grew very minimal when I flex but they are solid.   

I did all this from home! With no equipment for 30 minutes a day!!

🌟eating right
🌟2 months!
🌟30 minutes a day!
🌟worked out from home!
🌟no equipment required!



Day 9 of Insanity Max 30 – Tabata Power

July 19, 2016

Maxed out at 10 minutes and 37 seconds

Ethan joined me for some of the exercises. Afterwards he told me this is an “insane workout and can make you crazy! That’s why they call it insanity”. Haha!! I’m proud of him for trying.

Decided to get my workout in while chicken was cooking in the oven.

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Day 8 of Insanity Max 30 – Cardio Challenge

Day 8 of Insanity Max 30 - Cardio challenge 7.18.16

July 18, 2016,

I maxed out at 8 minutes and 38 seconds… I beat last week by 34 seconds… Plus I did the Country Heat workout tonight..

My kicks are a little higher and faster this week.. Didn’t have the energy like last week due to it being my 2nd workout of the day with in a few hours.

The makeshift desk is out of the living room now!! Next is all the toys!! Slowly but hopefully by this weekend our living room will be back to “normal”.

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Day 6 of Insanity Max 30 – Pulse

Day 6 Of Insanity Max 30 Pulse 7.16.16

July 16, 2016,

Tonight was an option night (Active Recovery day) . If I am going to get everything I want out of these programs I’m going to do them all!

Tonight consisted of some moves and then a stretch between! I made it the entire 20 minutes of the program. Thankfully because of the stretches!

Tried a different app to make my video… You can see more…. Added a bit of music.. Might not do that every time. Tonight’s music is called Sassy Girls.. Couldn’t pass that up!!

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Day 4- Insanity Max 30- Tabata Strength

day 4 Tabata Strength 7.15.16

July 14, 2016
Holy Moly!! I maxed out at 14 minutes and 44 seconds. Very proud of myself. The first half seemed like a piece of cake when I got to the second half! My arms are STILL shaking an hour later!! ♥
I gave it all I had tonight! I kept pushing! LITERALLY.. There seemed to be a million different kinds of push-ups!! I’m still working on my form for regular push-ups .. Now I’m doing all these insane ones(insane to me)
I just can’t say how much I love this program! ♥I mean don’t get me wrong it’s intense and I am nervous but I love it. I can tell something has changed with me! My whole mindset is totally different these past 4 days since beginning! I just smile when I talk about this program!
Are you ready to push yourself?
Are you ready to feel better about yourself?
Are you ready to make yourself proud?
Do you want to train hard?
Maybe Insanity Max 30 isn’t for you.. But I have plenty of other programs that are! I want to help you find the program best for YOU.
Right now this program is SPOT on for me! I can’t wait to see my results on day 60!! I’m giving myself a goal to make it the entire 30 minutes.. At least once!!
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