Day 1 Cardio Challenge

Last night was a tough one! I maxed out at 8 minutes and 4 seconds. I kept pushing the full 30 minutes, yet had to keep taking a couple second breaks here and there. My legs were on FIRE!! It was such a rewarding feeling. Yes it hurt! Yes I was exhausted! But I knew if I stopped I was only cheating myself! These next 59 days are going to be tough! I will come out much tougher! My goal is to make it the full 30 minutes without maxing out.

What are your goals? 

Are you ready to push yourself?

I am ready to push myself and reap the benefits of a healthier more fit body and mind!

Cardio Challenge day 1

Starting Insanity Max 30 Today!

Today is the day!! I am starting Insanity Max 30!! I am really excited to start with a new program, yet still very nervous about it. This program is 60 days, much more than my 21 days. However I have every confidence that the time frame is not an issue! I choose max 30 because it is still a 30 minute workout. I looks really intense. I am ready to tackle cardio! This has scared me because I really don’t have endurance. I am ready to push myself to my max. Interested to see what my max times will be. I downloaded to app to be all cool! Ha-ha! Keeping track on paper.. Sometimes has me less organized. Let’s face it my cell phone is 99.9% with me! It might be on silent for my naps!! Yes I still take naps! Funny how when you are younger, you want to skip the naps to say “hey I am all grown up and don’t need them!” Now as a mom I am like HECK YES!! NAP TIME!!! Who’s with me on this one? My husband is anti-nap. It makes him groggy and grumpy!!

I cannot wait to tell you how my first day of insanity went!! Follow me at