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French Toast for Breakfast? ⭐️Oh yes!!!⭐️


4 eggs
1 Tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1-2 Tablespoon raw honey
2 tsp vanilla
4 slices wheat of bread

1). Heat skillet over medium to medium high heat, spray with cooking spray
2). Mix all ingredients and spices together in shallow bowl/dish (except bread)
3). Coat both sides of bread in egg and spice mixture and put on skillet
4). Cook for a couple minutes on each side or until golden brown
5). Serve with fresh berries and some pure maple syrup

1/2 Red, 1 Yellow + toppings

Growing Stronger


We have all had hardships in our life… what sets you apart is whether you stopped or you kept moving forward.

When life gets hard again.. are you going to stop or keep moving forward.

I want to grow stronger and keep moving forward!

I have both stopped and kept moving forward in my life.  I feel great when I keep moving forward.  What about you?

Positive Thoughts


How do you look at things?

The positive side? The negative side? Mixture of both?

I find myself a mixture of both! I’m working on getting it to all positive.

How do you want to look at things? Do you like the positive side but just don’t know how to be positive all the time?  I struggle with this. I want to be positive in every aspect but it doesn’t always work that way.

I have found reading personal development books have helped me. I am better than I was but still have a long way to go. I have read a book and a half… it is going to take more than that!  lol 🙂

The World needs Your light!

In a world that lies, harsh and they want you to be scared… let’s be the light! Let’s change the world by changing us!Be truthful! Be gentle! Be fearless!

Don’t you want to shine your light and brighten up the world. We have become a world that is cruel. We need to change this and raise ourselves and our kids to be the lights and loving.
