Lack of Confidence 

Who do you believe you are? Do you limit yourself? 
I continually have lack of belief in myself. Then I have to give myself a pep talk. I hold myself back more than anyone else. 

This face is perfect for what I am trying to say. It’s the look of “why”. Why do I limit myself? Why do we limit ourselves. Why do we have such little confidence in ourself.  

I am a work in progress! I am telling myself that I am good enough and that I shouldn’t limit myself! 

*Photo credit to Evan… candid moment at lunch. The sun was Bright! 

Morning Thought

Let’s start our mornings with a positive thought… see how it will change our day! 

Do you wake up excited for the day? Or do you wake up and dread waking up?

I tend to want to stay in bed and sleep. I’m a terrible sleeper! It’s been so long since I’ve slept more than 4 hours in a night.  

But today I woke up excited and it has just made a world of difference already!!


Do you encounter defeats? And feel defeated or realize that you grow as a person! Do you feel defeated? 

Let’s look at defeat differently.. it’s not the end of the world.. it doesn’t mean you are a failure!! If we learn and grow then is it really defeat?


Do you realize that your life impacts others? 

Whether it is good or bad…

Let’s live our life so that the impact is good!! 
I want to be known for leaving a good impact on those around me! 
What impact are you leaving? 

No Fear 

The Lord is on my side! 
There are times when I feel like things just won’t stop happening. I saw this passage and it is perfect! I shouldn’t fear because the Lord is on my side! 
There are always going to be good and bad times! I am Learning to not fear the bad times,  this will take a lot of work!