Show Up Everyday!

This quote can be used for many different things in your life!

Do you show up everyday or do you just show up once in a while?

It’s like saying I’m a runner… but I only run once every 6 months… am I really a runner? Runners are you there every day showing up!

Are you an everyday person or a once in a while person?

I want to be the person that shows up everyday!! As a MOM, as a WIFE, as a COACH, as a FRIEND!



Believe in Yourself!!


Saw this yesterday and it spoke to me.

With starting the new program, I knew there would be pull ups and chin ups. I have never been able to do more than 2! Last night I did 17!!!! In the matter of 2 minutes (with burpees and jumps in those same 2 minutes)

It’s amazing what we can accomplish that we never thought possible!

We got the pull up bar a few weeks ago and I could only do 1!!

Just beyond excited!

God is Good!

💥Anxiety Battle💥

*4 years between these photos!! So much has changed!!*
The picture on the left was my first time really getting out of the house to visit someone after my anxiety hit. I was nervous and scared to leave the security of my home.
With anxiety came the severe acid reflux. This reflux was debilitating. Constant indigestion and feeling like I was going to get sick. For those who know me… I have a HUGE phobia of getting sick to my stomach!
This is not how I wanted to live life. I’ve always had issues with feeling sick to my stomach. But this was just awful.
Panic attacks and anxiety are no joke! You literally can’t control the feelings. You can try your best to talk yourself out of it. It can take every last ounce of effort to pull yourself out of it.
I’m truly thankful for the people in my life that didn’t give up on me and kept pulling me out! It gets depressing when you feel that there is no way out of your anxiety. I felt that I would never be back to normal again. I was sad and scared. I knew I had a ton of life left but I had to find it!
These last 4 years have been an uphill battle. I have my moments but I am better at identifying the signs.
Having Evan has helped so much! I have someone to put all my effort into and not much time to sit and let my brain go to town on itself. I still have bad minutes, hours and days.. But I have to keep moving forward.
I pray constantly that I can completely knock out the anxiety, panic attacks and reflux. But until then I will keep moving forward and keep praying.
I am proud at how far I have come!
The picture on the left I weighed 101 lbs! And super unhealthy. The picture on the right I am 110 lbs, and a whole lot healthier!!
The girl in the left could barely walk a 100 yards with out feeling like I needed to lay down. The girl on the right… I fell like the sky is the limit!
If you love someone with anxiety.. Know they love you too! It’s a constant battle for us and it takes a lot of mental power to calm the storm. Learn the signs! Learn how you can help! It can make a world of difference!

Throwing some Punches

Yesterday was the Sneak Peak for Core De Force! This is a mixed martial arts style workout.  This was perfect for me! I pushed myself and had a blast.

My coordination will need a bunch of work, but it was still an awesome exercise.  Today I am SUPER sore! My calf and back muscles were worked hard. 

It’s funny to me that I have just completed Insanity Max 30 less than a month ago and I tried this workout and BAM! I’m sore!

it felt SOO great throwing punches!  I felt like a BAD ASS! I am looking forward to this program launching!  My mom even said that I look like a Bad ass in this picture!! (MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!!! MY MOTHER SAYS I AM A BAD ASS!!!!!)core-de-force-picutre-10-3-16

I was going to start Hammer and Chisel about 3 weeks ago, however the household fell sick and I didn’t have the energy.  I wanted to be able to put my all into this program. So I started the 3 week Yoga retreat.  I didn’t think this would be anything that I would enjoy.  I love it! It is much slower pace than I really care for but honestly what is going on in the world now… we want everything handled fast! We don’t like to take a break.  We get slow service.. We get upset..  So it was nice to take a slower route and try and work on my breathing and getting my mind to calm down.

My problem is that my mind never stops! Do you have that problem?  I over analyze so many situations that really don’t need second thought.  I will post about my anxiety here in a few.