Throwing some Punches

Yesterday was the Sneak Peak for Core De Force! This is a mixed martial arts style workout.  This was perfect for me! I pushed myself and had a blast.

My coordination will need a bunch of work, but it was still an awesome exercise.  Today I am SUPER sore! My calf and back muscles were worked hard. 

It’s funny to me that I have just completed Insanity Max 30 less than a month ago and I tried this workout and BAM! I’m sore!

it felt SOO great throwing punches!  I felt like a BAD ASS! I am looking forward to this program launching!  My mom even said that I look like a Bad ass in this picture!! (MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!!! MY MOTHER SAYS I AM A BAD ASS!!!!!)core-de-force-picutre-10-3-16

I was going to start Hammer and Chisel about 3 weeks ago, however the household fell sick and I didn’t have the energy.  I wanted to be able to put my all into this program. So I started the 3 week Yoga retreat.  I didn’t think this would be anything that I would enjoy.  I love it! It is much slower pace than I really care for but honestly what is going on in the world now… we want everything handled fast! We don’t like to take a break.  We get slow service.. We get upset..  So it was nice to take a slower route and try and work on my breathing and getting my mind to calm down.

My problem is that my mind never stops! Do you have that problem?  I over analyze so many situations that really don’t need second thought.  I will post about my anxiety here in a few.