My Goal is to Inspire Someone Every Day!

Well it is has been almost a month since I have last posted.  We moved the computer from the living room to the office… so in turn I was less likely to bring myself into the office.

I am on day 34 of 60 with Insanity Max 30.  I just started month two with the harder month. I am loving this program! I have noticed my muscles are solid! Might not be able to see them all but I know they are there!

My endurance has skyrocketed during these workouts.  I missed a day this week and I felt so tired the next day. I have since made up the workout… and I have my energy back! It’s crazy to think that working out gives me that much more energy!

I visited with a friend this week that I haven’t seen in 6 years. She commented on how she is inspired by the workouts I do. She bought T25!! Her husband and her are going to start working out together!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE hearing that I am inspiring!

My goal is to inspire someone every day!