Day 5 of Insanity Max 30- Friday Fight Part 1

Day 5 of Insanity Max 30- Friday Fight part 1 7.15.16

July 15, 2016

So tonight was pretty much moves from the week. There wasn’t a break until 15 minutes in and 25 minutes in. Now this may not seem bad.. It’s only a 30 minute work out, but holy moly your legs don’t stop moving! I maxed out at 11 minutes and 35 seconds (Burpee with the lungs at the end got me). I tried to make it to the 15 minute mark. Hey I had a goal.. I didn’t make it but guess what.. Next Friday I’m going to beat my time! I’m going to push harder!

Before starting this program, I was super nervous about it. Lost of self doubt! Now I know I will rock month 1! Now.. Month 2 scares me! I’ve heard that if your goals don’t scare you then they aren’t big enough!

Now on to hair…I stink at doing hair but I have got to figure something out for when I work out. I’m not cutting it. Lol. As it stands now I use 3 hair ties to try to hold it in place and it just feels like this big floppy thing on the back of my head. Thinking I need to start wearing a head band too! I went back to just a pony tail for one exercise and well it was basically a face swatter! Not much fun.♥ Funny to see the play back though.

#InsanityMax30 #Cardio #Beachbody #Fitmom #Fitfam #Hairproblems #Friday