Day 2 of Insanity Max 30- Tabata Power.

July 12th 2016
So.. Let’s just say tonight there were events after events! But I kept going!!
1st Event-I was doing alright in the beginning.. At 7 minutes and 4 seconds my internet froze!! Ahh!!! Our lovely Florida thunderstorm to thank for that. Lol. So I wasn’t able to go to my “max”. That took a few minutes..
2nd Event- My phone ran out of space!! ahh!! So of course I tried to delete some and upload a bit to my computer to get room to record.
3rd Event- Evan woke up during the few minutes of uploading the photos.
4th Event- While photos were uploading I decided that there was enough space to record while uploading… So the phone was Ina different place.. Ended up cutting my head off for the whole exercise. Granted most of tonight I had my head out at some point
5th Event- Evan woke up during the workout again.. So ran to get him back to sleep.. Arms and legs shaking!! Get him to sleep and my right leg is just dead asleep! Lol almost fell flat on my face. 🙂
6th Event- Finished the last 5 minutes of the workout. Needed to finish making space on my phone so I could edit/crop the videos to post.. While photos are uploading, I started making my shake… Guess what.. Evan woke up again!!!! Went scooped him up. Finished making my shake.. Came back to put him to sleep and drink my shake.
7th Event- An hour later Evan is back asleep and I’m finishing uploading my photos. Q10 minutes later loud thunder wakes him up AGAIN! Go and scoop him up and hoping my phone is done soon.
8th Event- Catastrophic error when the photos were almost done! Ahh!! Oh by this point I’m just ready to turn the computer off…
9th Event- computer won’t shut down until updates are run! Say what! ( my husband thought I wanted the computer restarted so I can finish the photos.) So he tries to bypass the updates and restarts… Well it decided to run the updates! Oh boy! So the computer is left running and still trying to get child to sleep!
I’m still smiling though!
So tonight’s workout had many unexpected breaks.. Which I’m not sure if working out all the way through is harder or having to jump back in after cooling off after a certain amount of time.
My legs were not on fire tonight.. My arms were the rough parts. I got some of the arm workouts but oh they burned!
I really like this program. Ready to see what tomorrow brings!
Hopefully you get a little chuckle out of my events tonight. I tried to see the humor in most of it. Now I’m just ready for bed and have a wide awake toddler.
#BeachBody #Insanitymax30 #Arms #Fitmom #Fitfam #ShaunT


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