
Hello World!  This is the beginning of my web adventure.  I recently started a new career path as a BeachBody coach.  And through that, I have once again found my true self through health and fitness. I want to be able to share this with as many people as I possibly can.  I found myself in a rut with no idea where to turn. My diet wasn’t the best, and I found myself struggling to keep up with the kids!  For all of you that know me, I’m a competitor at heart, and wasn’t going to let my lack of being fit get the best of me.  Since I have found BeachBody my life has once again changed for the better and I will never turn back..  If you find yourself stuck with no self-esteem, no energy, and NO MOTIVATION, JOIN ME!  The BeachBody lifestyle isn’t just about doing a workout video in your home,  It’s also about sticking together as a team and motivating each other.  Together, we eat right, workout, and push each other to do the same.


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